Water purification information

Water purification system

Views : 77962
Update time : 2021-09-17 11:54:37
The water purification system is a purification process that removes pollutants from raw water. Its purpose is to purify the water with pre-filters, central water purifiers, high-quality water treatment machines, water purifiers, etc., and use water for different purposes. Water purification can remove sand, organic suspended particles, parasites, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium, bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi, minerals such as calcium, silicon dioxide, magnesium and some toxic Metals such as lead, copper, chromium and so on.

It is usually installed after the water meter of the inlet pipe to ensure that the large amount of precipitated impurities produced in the pipe network will not cause harm to the human body, and it will play a positive role in protecting the hidden pipes, faucets, electrical appliances, etc. The pre-filter is the nemesis of secondary pollution and a reliable impurity filtering device. The household pre-filter is the first coarse filtration equipment for the whole house. It can filter sediment, rust, and large particles in tap water.
Water Softener
Mainly solve the scale problem caused by hard water. The softening principle of the household water softener refers to the sodium ion exchange softening of the water, that is, when the raw water passes through the sodium ion exchanger, the Ca2+ and mg2+ in the water are replaced by the Na+ in the exchanger, so that the calcium and magnesium compounds are converted into easy solubility without forming scale. Sodium compounds soften the water.
Water Softener
Water purifier
The filter material for water purification is made into standard, general-purpose filter elements for various purposes, and the filter elements for various purposes are combined into a water purification water treatment device to meet different drinking water quality requirements. When the household water purifier is used, it is only necessary to connect the water purifier to the drinking water pipeline, and the water can be processed by the filter device to achieve the purpose of water purification.
Water purifier
Pure water machine
It is a kind of pure water produced by filtering the raw water (physical method) through internationally popular methods such as reverse osmosis without adding any compounds.
Pure water machine
Drinking machine
It is a device that provides direct drinking water. The domestic direct drinking machine is similar to the domestic water purifier. It filters out impurities in the tap water through a built-in filter element and outputs domestic drinking water of up to standard quality.
Drinking machine
Central water purifier
A comprehensive water purification device that efficiently removes residual chlorine, heavy metal ions, inhibits bacteria and scales, while improving taste, decoloring and deodorizing.
Main features: KDF filter material and high-efficiency activated carbon are placed in the central water purifier. Integrate core technologies such as physical adsorption, filtration, and micro-electrochemical electric field. The effluent water not only removes the harmful substances to the human body, but also retains the trace components beneficial to the human body and improves the quality of life. It has become a popular healthy water choice for consumers.
Central water purifier
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